Optik Consultancy

Cochlear Electrode Insertion Tracking

Nov 2022 – Feb 2023

Team Leader & Biomedical Engineering Intern

Biomedical Engineering Experience Overview

During my tenure at Optik Consultancy, a leading-edge role of Team Leader and Biomedical Engineer Intern was assigned to me. Involved in a consulting project for Cochlear, my responsibilities expanded from leading a team of interns to creating specialized software for automated tracking electrode insertion in X-ray footage. This rich and diversified experience demanded and developed my skills in leadership, technical proficiency, problem-solving, and effective communication.

A Deep Dive into Optik Consultancy Experience

Combining technical knowledge with leadership, my journey at Optik. As part of my role, I was involved in the development and execution of a specialised program tailored to automate electrode insertion tracking in fluoroscopy footage. This experience not only honed my technical skills but also my problem-solving abilities.

A Glimpse into Leadership and Communication Skills

Showcasing strong leadership and communication skills, regular meetings with clients were an integral part of my role. My responsibility extended to maintaining effective communication throughout the project and managing project timelines.

Key Insights from the Optik Journey

Representing Opti Consultancy at the final project showcase was an honour. The presentation provided an excellent opportunity to display the successful completion of our program and the value brought to the client.

  • In a consulting role for Cochlear, demonstrated leadership and project management abilities. Coordinated tasks, tracked progress, and adhered to timelines.
  • Applied technical skills and problem-solving abilities to tackle complex challenges, particularly in the domains of programming, data analysis, and algorithm development.
  • Collaborated with the team to develop a comprehensive Python program. Utilized image processing techniques and data analysis algorithms to accurately track electrode insertion in X-ray videos.

Dedicated Responsibilities

As a Team Leader and Biomedical Engineering Intern at Optik Consultancy, my responsibilities were diverse and expansive. They included leading a team, managing tasks and timelines, programming, data analysis, and algorithm development for a specific project.

  1. Leadership and Project Management responsibilities - Coordinating tasks, tracking progress, and adherence to timelines.
  2. Applied technical skills and problem-solving abilities in programming, data analysis, and algorithm development.
  3. Developed a Python program utilizing image processing techniques and data analysis algorithms for accurate tracking.

Highlighted Achievements at Optik Consultancy

Throughout my time at Optik Consultancy, several achievements marked my professional growth and contribution to our team's success:

  • Pioneered as Team Leader: Successfully led a team of interns and managed the consulting project for Cochlear.
  • Tackled Complex Challenges: Utilized strong technical skills and problem-solving abilities in programming, data analysis, and algorithm development.
  • Innovation in Programming: Collaboratively developed a comprehensive Python program, streamlining electrode insertion tracking in fluoroscopy footage.
  • Communication Excellence: Demonstrated effective communication skills, bridging the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Showcased Success: Proudly represented Optik Consultancy at the final project showcase, highlighting our team's accomplishments and the value delivered to the client.

Final Thoughts on the Optik Journey

I am immensely proud to have been a part of Optik Consultancy's innovative stride in the medical industry. With the opportunity to contribute significantly to medical advancements, my tenure has been a truly gratifying experience.

The development and implementation of the specialized program for automated tracking of electrode insertion in X-ray footage stands as a testament to our team's dedication and technical prowess. This achievement not only exemplifies our commitment to pushing boundaries in biomedical engineering but also underlines my personal growth and development during this tenure.

It has been an absolute honour to navigate this journey of fostering innovation, and I take immense pride in the value we were able to bring to the client. This enriching experience at Optik Consultancy has undoubtedly set a solid foundation for my continuing contributions to medical innovations.