Lateral Flow Assays for Tick-Borne Diseases

Feb 2023 - June 2023

Lateral Flow Assays for Tick-Borne Diseases: An Innovative Project in Biomedical Engineering

In the field of Biomedical Engineering, the creation of a system for lateral flow assays (LFAs) to detect tick-borne diseases such as Lyme disease, Babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever marks a substantial leap in the application of technology to healthcare. This project, carried out during my academic tenure at the university, was a challenging yet rewarding venture that showcased the potential of biomedical engineering in transforming medical diagnostics.

LFA Cassette Design and SolidWorks Implementation

The design phase was a rigorous process, carried out using SolidWorks to create a detailed model of the LFA cassette. This tool allowed us to create an accurate and comprehensive model of the system, ensuring that every component was meticulously designed for optimal functionality. The countless hours spent refining the design resulted in a functional, patient-specific, and biocompatible system.

  • SolidWorks was instrumental in creating a detailed model of the LFA cassette.
  • The design phase was meticulous, ensuring optimal functionality of each component.
  • The final design was not only functional but also patient-specific and biocompatible.

Innovative Features and Quantum Dots Nanoparticles

Following the design phase, we incorporated innovative features such as a built-in tick remover that slides out of the ergonomic handle. We also included quantum dots nanoparticles to help detect and amplify signals. This phase provided us with invaluable hands-on experience with the fabrication of biomedical devices. Each component was created with utmost care, ensuring that the final product was robust and reliable.

  • The construction phase was carried out with innovative features, providing hands-on experience.
  • Each component was created with utmost care, ensuring a robust and reliable final product.
  • The construction phase provided invaluable experience with the fabrication of biomedical devices.

Signal Detection and Amplification

The system was designed to detect and amplify signals using quantum dots nanoparticles. This integration of signal processing and biomedical engineering allowed us to create a system that was not only capable of interpreting biomedical signals but also amplifying them.

Teamwork and Recognition: A Testament to Excellence

Our system was capable of interpreting biomedical signals and amplifying them, demonstrating its potential for clinical applications. This level of functionality was a testament to the effectiveness of our design and the skills of our team. Our project was recognized as one of the best in the subject, earning us a distinction for our work.

  • The system could interpret biomedical signals and amplify them, demonstrating its potential for clinical applications.
  • Our team's skills and the effectiveness of our design were recognized, earning us a distinction.
  • The project showcased the potential of biomedical engineering in revolutionizing medical diagnostics.

Reflection and Future Prospects

This project was a significant milestone in my journey as a Biomedical Engineer. It honed my skills in system design, SolidWorks, signal processing, and signal amplification. The hands-on experience of creating a patient-specific system from scratch, coupled with the recognition we received, underscores my potential in this field.

The project showcased my proficiency in using tools like SolidWorks and my ability to work effectively with biomedical signals and amplify them. These skills, along with my problem-solving abilities and innovative thinking, make me a strong candidate for a position in Biomedical Engineering. I am eager to leverage these skills to create impactful solutions in the field and improve people's lives.