Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) & Bachelor of Busines

Mar 2020 – Nov 2023 (Expected)

Bachelor of Engineering & Business Journey

I am in my final year of my dual degree in Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) & Bachelor of Business at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Expected to graduate Nov 2023. I major in Biomedical Engineering & Management, where I'm seamlessly blending my technical acumen with managerial prowess.

Accomplishments in Academic Excellence

Throughout my time at UTS, I have accumulated a wealth of academic achievements, demonstrating dedication to my studies. I earned full marks in Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Studio B, high distinctions in Biomedical Polymers, Biomedical Industry Frameworks, and Engineering Project Management.

Leadership and Technical Skills Development

During my academic journey, I've been fortunate to experience firsthand the art of leadership, all while honing technical skills in various projects. I led a team of talented biomedical engineers to develop a Python program for Cochlear. This program streamlined the process of tracking electrode implant insertion, thus improving accuracy. I demonstrated project management skills, particularly in coordinating tasks and monitoring progress, ensuring we adhered to set timelines. My technical skills were put to the test, specifically in programming, data analysis, and problem-solving, proving invaluable in this project. In another project, I played a pivotal role in bioprinting a prototype photoreceptor layer of the retina. This task required significant research and collaboration, not to mention impeccable communication when presenting the project.

Key Learning Milestones at UTS

At UTS, the wealth of experiences has allowed me to achieve several significant learning milestones, including:

  • Earning a distinction WAM and securing a spot on the Dean’s List 2023.
  • Achieving high scores in diverse technical and management subjects.
  • Taking on leadership roles in significant projects, demonstrating programming, and project management skills.
  • Applying strong collaboration and communication skills in the bioprinting of a prototype photoreceptor layer of the retina.
  • Exercising teamwork and problem-solving skills in designing, 3D printing, and testing prototype bone scaffolds.

Roles & Responsibilities at UTS

In the pursuit of academic excellence, my roles and responsibilities at UTS have been both diverse and enriching:

  1. Achieving Academic Excellence - Striving for high academic performance across diverse subjects.
  2. Leading in Project Execution - Displaying leadership in significant projects, including the creation of a Python program for Cochlear.
  3. Applying Practical Problem-Solving - Implementing problem-solving skills in hands-on projects such as the design and 3D printing of prototype bone scaffolds.

Highlighting Achievements at UTS

As part of my academic journey, I'm proud to highlight the following achievements:

  • Academic Excellence: Earned a distinction WAM and landed a spot on the Dean’s List 2023.
  • Technical Mastery: Achieved high scores in technical subjects such as Biomedical Polymers and Biomedical Industry Frameworks.
  • Management Proficiency: Excelled in management-focused subjects like Introduction to Human Resource Management and Integrating Business Perspectives.
  • Project Leadership: Led a team to develop a Python program for Cochlear.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Took part in bioprinting a prototype photoreceptor layer of the retina.

Reflection on the UTS Experience

Reflecting on my time at UTS, my academic journey has been incredibly fulfilling. The University's practical approach to learning has truly enhanced my understanding of various concepts, providing me with hands-on experience that a conventional classroom setting might not offer. It has encouraged me to test theories, engage in problem-solving, and most importantly, learn from both triumphs and hurdles. Being able to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and projects has offered a more in-depth understanding, aiding me to excel both academically and professionally. This practical approach has especially benefitted me in terms of my technical skills, where working on hands-on projects like designing, 3D printing, and testing prototype bone scaffolds provided me with a unique opportunity to put theoretical knowledge to practice.

Working in a team-oriented environment during projects like creating a Python program for Cochlear or bioprinting a prototype photoreceptor layer of the retina also offered valuable insights into leadership and collaboration. It improved my ability to communicate effectively, manage tasks, and motivate my peers towards achieving common goals.

Through UTS's dynamic curriculum, I have been fortunate to gain exposure to a diverse range of subjects and develop a strong foundation in both Biomedical Engineering and Business Management. Achieving high scores in subjects as diverse as Biomedical Polymers and Human Resource Management highlights the balanced and holistic education I have received at UTS. This interdisciplinary approach has helped me appreciate the interconnectedness of technical and managerial aspects in a professional environment, preparing me to become a well-rounded professional.

Overall, the experience at UTS has been transformative, equipping me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make meaningful contributions to the field of Biomedical Engineering. The practical learning approach, coupled with the opportunity to work on real-world projects, has laid a strong foundation for my future career, for which I am immensely grateful.